Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Big changes for "...Or Something"


I have done it ... I made the big switch from Blogger (blogspot) to WordPress.

I took this opportunity to also rename my blog. I pondered a long time if a "rebranding" was a good idea or not. I've focused much of my blogging on Earth science, and sedimentary geology in particular, over the course of the life of ...Or Something. That name doesn't really represent what this blog is really about (plus, then I get to choose a geeky name).

So, the new name is .... drum roll ... Clastic Detritus

The new URL is: http://clasticdetritus.com/
The new feed is: http://clasticdetritus.com/feed

Hopefully this won't cause too many problems. I know some of you receive my posts via feed aggregators (e.g., GoogleReader) so you will have to update that (sorry). I guess you'll have to update your blogroll lists as well (sorry sorry).

Why the switch to WordPress?

  • Wordpress.com allows you to use your own domain but still host it through them. Although I had to purchase the domain ($15/yr), I feel that having my own is better in the long run.
  • I've never been fond of how commenting is done in Blogger. It is often clunky and inefficient.
  • I like the idea of having static pages associated with the blog (the tabs on the bottom of the header image).
  • I like the look and feel of WordPress much better. When it comes to aesthetics everyone has their own preferences.
  • The navigation for managing the posts, pages, and comments is also better (in my view).

I also felt the timing of changing the name would be better combined with the blogging software switch. The migration was relatively painless. All the posts and comments made it over, although I haven't gone through everything yet. I will write a post about that soon.

The new URL is: http://clasticdetritus.com/
The new feed is: http://clasticdetritus.com/feed

This whole switch-over is happening at the same time as The Accretionary Wedge gets under way but I don't foresee any problems.

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